Friday, 20 January 2023


It's 2023, and a lot has changed. As you may have noticed MeghanMode has evolved to MammaMode. Meghan, now Mamma. Meghan to many, Mamma since July 2021. My son is now 18 months and I'm picking up my phone and typing this post while he lays here asleep in my arms. Something compelled me to log into my blog, so I did. So here I am, here we are. Is this the beginning of my blogging journey as a mamma? I'm not sure, but in this moment something beautiful has begun. I won't question it too deeply, I am simply going with the flow.

I refuse to put pressure on myself to blog like I use to in the past. I want to enjoy writing my blog like I did in the very beginning. When I started out blogging, it was so fresh, new, vibrant, exciting, expressive. There were so many wonderful blogs out there, all different unique, adding something authentic and of great value to so many lives. Blogging looks and feels much different now days. Formality, unifromaty, lack of transparency. Of course blogging has now become influencing, videos and reels, images and less text. The love of reading magazines and blogs is slowly fading.

For me, I found solice and pause in writing my blog. I guess as a new mom you can sometimes find yourself longing and searching for what made me happy before, what did I have that was just mine? What's my passion, my outlet, my thing that I want to put energy into that will give me fullfilment in regards "my thing". It's hard sometimes. Often. Some days harder than others. It's also amazing. Why don't we talk about so many of the taboos, and trials that come with motherhood?

Instead we share reels labelled my mommy morning routine in a perfectly clean beautifully aesthetic sage green kitchen with a couple thousand euro state of the art coffee machine. Or the perfect family breakfast in bed pic on a Sunday morning with a salon quality bouncy blow dry, crisp spotless white bedding and while all of that is aesthetic, it's not entirely the reality. Behind the music that took a half hour to pair with the desired vibe of the reel is screaming kids, a mom who hasn't showered in 5 days, €0 in your account because your coffee machine is financed through humm and you've just paid the bins, electricity, and phone bill (and its the end of January).... The list goes on.

Life is beautiful, life is short. Life is also long and tough for many. Life is strange. Life is confusing. I want to bring reality to my blog and social media, I'm calling it Social Reality rather than Social Media this year. Honesty, rawness and of course FUN. Let's dove into the reality of being a mamma, being a 30 year old woman in todays world, life in general, of course fashion and household tips because we all love that too.

Here's to a new beginning, a new blogging beginning. Social Reality 2023.

(I'm not a proof reader, I'm guilty for typing what I feel and posting, plus I have dyslexia, so sorry for any mistakes😅#reality) 


Meg x

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